
Time to Upgrade Your Mask

The Economic Times on the importance of upgrading our masks as COVID-19 cases continue. To read the full article:


Testimonial from an Urban SARS Team Member

“The fit of the envo mask is perfect; it’s the only mask that does NOT fog my glasses. The envo...


Comfort, Protection, and Style

Wired shares 19 face masks they actually like to wear. To read the full article, visit


Not All N95s Are Created Equal

WSJ put eight N95 and KN95 masks to the test and found not all tested at the required 95% filtration...


Testimonial from an ER Nurse

“I am an ER nurse. I am exposed to countless Covid patients every day I work. I have had my...


N95s Offer “Highest Protection,” According to CDC

On January 14th, 2022, The CDC updated its consumer mask website to emphasize protection, fit, and comfort- “CDC updates mask...


CDC Makes Changes to Mask Recommendations

“The CDC conceded that cloth masks do not protect against the virus as effectively as other masks” The CDC’s new...


It’s Time to Upgrade Your Mask, Experts Suggest

Experts suggest it’s time to upgrade your mask game – “Seriously, Upgrade Your Face Mask. Omicron is everywhere. Dr. Abraar...


“Why Cloth Masks Might Not Be Enough as Omicron...

Repost from @wsj “It will take 25 hours for an infectious dose of Covid-19 to transmit between people wearing non-fit-tested N95...